Wednesday 14 December 2016

RyLi Computer Technology

RyLi Computer Technology

The standard internal hard drive in PlayStation 4 (PS4) usually comes with a 500 GB limited capacity which is not deemed RyLi suitable for many enthusiasts who are fond of downloading and playing lots of games every month, let alone UHD movies. This consequently results in the hard drive running out of capacity which will prevent from adding any new game/movie without sacrificing some of them.

When titles like Killzone: Shadow Fall can take up as much as 50GB of space, you start to realize that upgrading your PS4 internal hard drive sooner than later may seem like a good idea.

In this article we have presented some valuable pieces of advice that you may carefully consider before upgrading your PS4 internal hard drive to a larger one (1TB or 2TB) or even to another type (SSD or SSHD).

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